Navigating Nutrition Postpartum

Meet with your dietician virtually or at their Rancho Bernardo, CA office.




Gift this to a mama who is feeling like she is struggling with nutrition as she adjusts to her new postpartum lifestyle.

Getting what you need after the baby arrives can sometimes feel like an afterthought. Combine that with a time when your body needs food to heal from delivery (and possibly lactation) and it’s easy to find yourself feeling like you aren’t getting what you need. Food post-baby doesn’t have to be “perfect,” complicated or “instagram-able” but it does need to be adequate and nourishing. This postpartum nutrition support includes:

  • Pre-visit questionnaire
  • 45 minutes with a dietitian to review current intake, challenges and questions.
  • Topics we might cover include:
    • Nutrients needed to heal your body postpartum
    • Navigating appetite shifts – forgetting to eat until the afternoon due to suppressed appetite, feeling hesitant to honor increased appetite, etc…
    • Bringing in more support
    • Setting up systems for grocery
    • Nutritious grab and go foods to keep around
  • Meal Planning Survival Guide mini course that teaches you how to use Plan to Eat to make weekly meal planning and grocery shopping a cinch (so easy you can print your list and hand it to a support person!)

A special note: I work from a weight-inclusive perspective so that means I do not provide weight loss services. If you’re looking for advice on postpartum weight loss I would not be the best fit. If you’d like a consult to process your feelings about your postpartum body and learning how to shift towards caring for your body regardless of it’s size and shape then I’m your dietitian! Feel free to reach out with questions before purchasing (info at

About Nutrition Instincts

Lindsay Stenovec is a body positive registered dietitian who supports moms on their journey to nourishing themselves and their families with ease. She helps busy moms find simple solutions to meals, set up sustainable family meal planning systems and take the family meal from chaos to calm. Pregnant or newly postpartum? Lindsay can ensure you’re meeting your nutritional needs, support you with honoring your body’s intuition and help you process the fun and not so fun changes of the healing postpartum body. Lindsay is a mom to 3 young boys and lives in San Diego, CA. She enjoys dance, playing with her kids and moments of complete silence when no one is asking her for anything ;-).

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